Mike Kasper Dmg Ceo Wife

$250 Million Investment Led by Summit Helps DMG Continue Growth, Maintain Independence

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DOWNERS GROVE, ILLINOIS – DuPage Medical Group, the largest independent, multi-specialty physician group in the Chicago area, today announced a strategic partnership with global growth equity firm, Summit Partners. The $250 million investment – finalized on December 29, 2015 – is a combination of equity and debt. Proceeds will support growth initiatives at DMG’s practice management company, DMG Practice Management Solutions/MPAS (Midwest Physician Administrative Services). Under the terms of the agreement, DuPage Medical Group (“DMG”) will remain 100-percent physician-owned-and-directed, and DMG physicians will retain majority ownership in DMG Practice Management Solutions/MPAS.


“For an independent, physician-led group of DMG’s scale and size to retain its majority ownership after such a significant investment is unprecedented,” said DuPage Medical Group CEO Mike Kasper. “Summit Partners understands that our patient-focused, doctor-directed culture is crucial to our mission, and they are completely supportive of it. This partnership provides access to capital and strategic support for DMG’s growth initiatives –including population health, expansion into new geographies and opening additional clinical lines of service – and will help to enhance our ability to reach and treat patients.”

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DMG and Edward have come together, using the same medical record, which will lead to improved care and outcome for our patients. While improving care, IHP will also take out redundant administrative services. For example, DMG provides billing and managed care services to the Edward Medical Group. Michael Kasper, CEO of rapidly growing DuPage Medical Group, died Saturday, spokeswoman Marianne Geiger said in a statement. Kasper in 2010 joined the Downers Grove-based organization.

Kasper says that from an operational standpoint, DMG employees and patients will notice very few changes as a result of the partnership. Physicians, physician extenders, therapists and designated health services, such as diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology, will all remain within DMG. The Board of Directors of DMG Practice Management Solutions will be comprised of seven members—four of whom will be physicians. DMG will continue to be governed by its current Board of Directors, who are practicing physicians. Additional terms of the transaction were not made public.

“Summit has a history of backing innovative, market-leading businesses in many different industries and has partnered with numerous provider-led practice management organizations over the years,” said Darren Black, a Managing Director at Summit Partners who will join the DMG Practice Management Board of Directors. “Mike and the entire team at DuPage Medical Group have done a remarkable job in building this business – embracing technology and truly setting the standard for patient care in one of the nation’s biggest health care markets. We are thrilled to partner with this exceptionally innovative healthcare company and to support its growth going forward.”

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DuPage Medical Group was advised in the transaction by Cain Brothers.

With a heavy heart and pro­found sad­ness, DuPage Med­ical Group (DMG) announced that its beloved CEO, Michael A. Kasper, passed away trag­i­cal­ly on Sat­ur­day, May 4.

DMG issued the fol­low­ing state­ment: ​We are shocked and sad­dened by the trag­ic pass­ing of our beloved leader and col­league, Mike Kasper. DMG’s lead­er­ship team, Board of Direc­tors, physi­cians, employ­ees, patients and the entire health­care com­mu­ni­ty mourn his loss. We extend our deep­est sym­pa­thies to his wife and chil­dren and ask that you respect their pri­va­cy dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time.”

Dur­ing Kasper’s tenure as CEO, DMG expe­ri­enced unprece­dent­ed growth and expan­sion. As an esteemed thought leader in the health­care com­mu­ni­ty, Kasper made a sig­nif­i­cant impact on the field of healthcare.


Mike Kasper Dmg Ceo Wife Dies

As an orga­ni­za­tion, we are strong and thriv­ing because of Mike’s vision and lead­er­ship,” said Dr. Paul Mer­rick, DMG Pres­i­dent. ​We are com­mit­ted to con­tin­u­ing the great work that he so pas­sion­ate­ly believed in — striv­ing to make health­care bet­ter for our patients and com­mu­ni­ty by offer­ing high qual­i­ty and com­pas­sion­ate care.”

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DMG will be oper­at­ing busi­ness as usu­al. For a list of clin­ic loca­tions and hours, vis­it dupagemed​ical​group​.com.

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