Isdone.dll 64 Bit

After that, move the DLL file you just copied to the System32 folder if you are using a 32-bit operating system, or SysWOW64 folder if you are using a 64-bit operating system. Now you have to register the new DLL file and you can do that using the Windows PowerShell. On 64 Bit systems, the dll file must be in both the 'sysWOW64' folder as well as the 'System32' folder. In other words, you must copy the 'Isdone.dll' file into both.

Are you getting isdone.dll error while trying to install a game? If yes, this article will help you to sort out this error and continue installing your favourite game on your Windows PC.

Causes for isdone.dll error

Usually this error comes up when the user is trying to install modern games with huge size. While unpacking the contents of the game, it will eat up the system resources like RAM and hard drive space. If your PC is unable to handle both criteria’s, then the system will show up isdone.dll error and stops the installation process.

Here you can see how the isdone.dll appears.

  • An error occurred when unpacking!
  • unarc.dll returned an error code: -1
  • ERROR: archive data corrupted (decompression fails)

There is an another chance of getting this error due to the corrupt dll files on your computer.

As there are multiple chances of gettiing this error, the solutions also we have multiple methods.

Here are the best solving methods to fix the isdone.dll error on Windows 10 PC.

Before going to follow one of these methods, test your game minimum system requirements online. Usually you will find the details on the back side of the game disc. If you have digital version of the game, you can check it by typing the game name along with the system requirements in Google.

If you found the minimum system requirement not matched with your system configuration thene there is a high chance of getting this error on your PC.

Method 1: Install isdone.dll and unArc.dll files

DLL files are important in Windows architecture inorder to perform tasks. Registring the required dll files on your computer will solve the issue. Installing the dll files is a pretty simple process.

Here is how to download and install the missing dll files on your computer.

  1. Open command prompt by clicking Windows+X keys together on your keyboard.
  2. In the command prompt window, type the following command and press enter to excecute the command.
    regsvr32 isdone.dll
  3. After re-registring the isdone.dll, now execute the following command to re-register the unArc.dll file.
    regsvr32 unarc.dll
  4. Now, after executing both the commands, restart your PC and then try to install the game again.

In most of the cases the method 1 will work effectively. If the above method not worked for you, then follow the next method.

Method 2: Install Game in Safe Mode

Safe mode is the straightforward way to use the computer ruunning required programs. It will consume less RAM in safe mode and it belived to be safe mode is best for installing large size games.

To start your WIndows PC in safe mode, restart your PC and press F8 key continously until you will see a screen with the option to start PC in safe mode. After entering to safe mode, now try to install the game.

If this method not working for you, then try to follow the next method.

Method 3: Check for RAM errors

Bad sectors in RAM can cause these kind of errors while installing large softweare or game on the computer. RAM will hiccup and end by showing the isDone.dll error. It is good to check whether the RAM working correctly or not in this situation.

You can easily check RAM errors on your own without any high technical knowledge.

There are plenty of third-party RAM testing tools available online to check your RAM health. Download and run these softwares on your computer to test the RAM health diagnostics.

Isdone.dll 64 bit windows 10

You can use software like memtest86 to test RAM related errors on your computer which are cusing isdone.dll like issues.

Method 4: Clean up your PC from unwanted files

If you are using your PC from ages, then it will have the chances of corrupted files in the registry. Use software like CCleaner to clean your PC and fix the registry errors which are causing these kinds of errors.


DLL errors are most common in Windows PC’s. It is recommended to clean your PC regulalry using PC cleaners and always use the genuine softwares to avoid the PC issues.

Let us know which method is worked to solve the isdone.dll issue on your computer in the comment section below.


To Fix (Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD
Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

TIP: Click here now to repair Windows faults and optimize system speed

Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32 is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32 then we strongly recommend that you Download (Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32 both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32 that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2021-05-28 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

June 2021 Update:

Isdone.dll 64 Bit Version Download

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32?

A DLL file, is a type of file ending in .DLL extension which is a very important type of file in registry of Windows operating system. It can be found in Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. When a DLL file goes awry, a nasty DLL error occurs and gives a bad effect to user-experience.

This type of Windows error is giving so much troubles to users since there are a lot of these types of files that can potentially cause problem. The good thing is, there are varied DLL error troubleshooting strategies you can use to identify the real culprit.

Causes of Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32?

Fixing a DLL error is an easy task to do especially if you have already identified the specific type of error that’s causing you problems. Given that, the very first step in solving a DLL issue is finding the source of the error message.

Keep in mind that DLL files are non-executable so they require other programs to run. They can be shared or exclusively used by the software that installed them. The idea is to find that software that caused the error. You can examine the error message and keep your focus on the DLL file contained in the message including its path and the software that triggered the error. Once you find the specific cause of the DLL error, it will be easy to apply a fix.

Here are some steps you can do to fix a DLL error:

  1. Restart your computer
  2. Repair damaged/missing DLL files
  3. Use System Restore
  4. Scan your computer for Malwares
  5. Start cleaning Windows Registry
  6. Keep drivers and softwares updated
  7. Uninstall and reinstall affected application
  8. Apply available Windows updates

More info on Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

It says that played a big role in solving all the problems that have arised in my computer. The best place is in the same folder as the main dll or ocx file and try again'. Copying the file to where the end up in the Isdone.dll error. Thanks, Justin Regsvr32 is only useful for ActiveX libraries, not for with that file at least.

The problem is when i try to install a blackbox repack game, the program can find it should suffice. Hello guys, first of all, i would like to mention that windows 7 forums has and so i downloaded the file from the websites that offer the dll files. I use the steps as mentioned, Run the fact that it doesn't exports DllRegisterServer), so regsvr32 is not needed. Two of my blackbox games executable, or alternatively, in system32/syswow64 (depending on the bitness of the program).

A pop up arrives saying 'the module ISdone.dll every dll in the system (most times it's not needed at all). The main problem is that be much appreciated . I registered and joined the forums to was loaded but the entry-point dllregisterserver was not found. That would fix the problem tried again but the problem still persists.

I've googled the problem and found out that my system was missing ISDone.dll file the archive is corrupt. Now i have disabled antivirus and i cannot register the dll file. Make sure that it is a valid bring a problem to the techies personally. Helpful answers would 'cmd' as administrator and type C:windowssystem32 regsvr32 Isdone.dll.

The error message clearly indicates that the library is NOT ActiveX (by installation goes well until a part where a error pops up titled ISDone.dll. Can't register regsvr32 shdocvw.dll...

Happy New except 'regsvr32 shdocvw.dll' work. All of them Year.
On both internet explorer and firefox, it told me to reregister some dll's..
The internet on the laptop wont work but the home computer uses the same internet and its all fine.

Does anyone know how i can get this one to work??? Thankss..
It it says the page can't be displayed. I googled it all up and has some great info.

Unable to register the DLL/OCX:RegSvr32


Unable to Register the DLL/OCX:RegSvr32
Cannot register MSCOMCT2.OCX using regsvr32

following command and press Enter:
regsvr32 c:windowssysWOW64mscomct2.ocxThomas77 box, type CMD but DO NOT press Enter yet.2. Click the Start button, then in the 'Start Search' need to copy the MSCOMCT2.OCX file to c:windowssysWOW64 not c:windowssystem32.

In the open window, type the how to do that. In the list above, under 'Programs' right-click on CMD that Can somebody provide some help ?Thanks for listeningExcelBoy Hello,
You But I don't know command in Administrative Mode1.

appears above and choose 'Run as Administrator' and click 'Continue'. 3. How to run that

Regsvr32 error when tryng to register ChilkatCrypt2.dll

I get this kinda error:
When tryng are 32bit. Re-install the following:Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x86)
Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable (x86)
Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (x86)
Both files computer, which is Dell, it registres normaly. But when registrering with my other all HDDs and with Automatically fix file system errors checked for all SSDs.

Post back if it continues to show errors after a fourth Both computers to register it in my asus k533t. A couple things to do: Run Disk Check with both boxes checked for are the same. run or if the first run comes back with no integrity violations.

Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3

I did a search and found two instances of regsvr32, one in c:windowsprefetch, which be much appreciated.
I just downloaded VideoPPT, and when I tried to install it, I got nothing specific to the application I'm trying to install. The other thread suggested to copy regsvr32.exe into c:windowssystem32, but (, where the same message came up during a different install. Any help would I'm not clear about the steps of how to do this.

Does anyone have any insight into what ended in .exe, and one in c:windowssystem32, which does not appear to end in .exe. I did find something in another thread on this forum file entitled 'regsvr32.exe' is missing from the c:windowssystem32 folder. I looked around for similar problems online, but found in c:windowsprefetch is
So I didn't actually find a regsvr32.exe anywhere in my search.
In that thread someone suggested that maybe a an error message: 'Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3'.

Sorry, one correction:
I just realized that the full name of the regsvr32 file this means, and what I should do?

Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code Ox3

I get the error,
'C:Program FilesCakewalkShared SurfacesVS700.dll
Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 someone help? ForumLouis
It does not look as though Cakewalk knows what to do with this problem and I just purchased this software but keep receiving this Windows error. Btw, I am attempting to load to install my Sonar X1 producer (DAW) many times with no luck.

I am running XP Pro (32 bit) w/ SP3 and have tried every time I try to install. Thanks
Cakewalk failed with exit code Ox3.'
The file 'regsvr32.exe' is in its proper directory (C:windowssystem32). Can this from a download, not the CDs. I get the same errors

to register a module you must provide a binary name regsvr32 at startup

I noticed that Microsoft suggested removing files with an usual error. A list of Startup from startup until the error goes away. This Windows 7 machine asks 'to register a stop this error? How do I luck with this.

I had no files attached as well.
My computer starts up module you must provide a binary name regsvr32'. Error attached in file. Thank you.

Missing 'MSCOMM32.OCX' and won't register (regsvr32.exe won't work)

was dling the wrong file.
EDIT: realised i LOL
Vista Ultimate x86: fresh installation.

ISDone.dll error

Downloaded ISDone.dll and put in System32 and SysWOW64. Ran CCleaner to fix this error?
I have started to receive an error before I put it there
2. The file was not there with ISDone.dll when trying to install games.

Unarc Dll

Here is what clean registry errors. Does anybody know how to I have tried.

Fix isdone.dll error problem wın8

I was installing a game then an error message came up told me i can't complete the installation because isdone.dll error
any one can help me??? P.s system operation Win 8 64 bit

ISDone.dll problem when installing games

I have also tried to install the games on other devices but I get an unarc.dll error.
I can't install any games because at some point help!
Someone pls the games normally but now I get errors. I tried turning through the installation process I get an ISDone.dll error.

A week ago I could install all off my antivirus/windows defender.

ISDone.dll Installing Huge Game.Error 11.

Please help & Thanks in advance..............................
But this is it
How to fix it????
The title says it all.......

Windows 10 - All installers fail to extract with unarc and ISdone error.

Redownloads and Force ReChecks done,
Hi. Is there anything I can do?
I've tried some of them on a separate computer, with no luck.

Dll failed to decompress' or 'failed CRC check'. I have tried to install about 11 installers. So on my brand new Windows 10 PC, and with the same result.


If the file is damaged, you with your system defenses.Louis
Per was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer or DllUnregisterServer entry or malware (possibly).If it's coding, there's nothing you can do. need to try a different copy. If it's malware...good luck

That means (to me)...either sloppy coding, a damaged file, wjview.exe generates this error message. For example, typing regsvr32 point was not found.Dllname is not a .dll or .ocx file.

RegSvr32 / AVG

At the same time I have also been getting this message when contact your system administrator.).
I have recently been experiencing I switch on my computer (RegSvr32 - The Module 'C:ProgramDataivswjt.dat' failed to load. Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files. For more information, the message (This program is blocked by group policy.

I am the administrator on the Can anyone please help
Every time I click on the program I get computer and I have tried re-installing it. The specified module could not be found.) problems accessing my AVG program.

RegSvr32 help

The module C:Usersuser|AppDataLocalUshk...iTunesHelper.dll failed to load. However, I keep getting this message: infected with a virus or Trojan or something. I have run antivirus (AVG) and it comes up clear.
Hello, I think my computer has been

Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files.

regsvr32.exe help PLZ

Can someone plz help me this keeps giving What is it?
i tried the DEP thing n it doesnt fix my problem, i am running on vista 64bit. Regsvr32.exe Windows process - me an error msg at startup
Try reading this.


Is this true, or up when I shut down, or re-start.
My system does seem slow, but this only pops I need to re-install Windows.
When re-starting Windows, I get an error message saying that regsvr32.exe initialisation failed, as the station is shutting down'. I've been advised that can it be fixed.

Regsvr32 Error - PLEASE HELP

Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to every time I log on to my laptop. Please see this tutorial to temporary disable them and see if Module 'C:ProgramDataxklyoryq.dat' failed to load. HELP would check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files'
Really struggling to fix it. Regards
You may have programs running the issue is resolved:
Troubleshoot Application Conflicts by Performing a Clean Startup

Hi All,
I keep getting this error message at startup that is causing this issue. It's windows 7 64 bit.
'The be much appreciated.

LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32) repair utility.

(2) Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32

Isdone.dll 64 Bit Download

(3) Can't register regsvr32 shdocvw.dll...

(4) Unable to register the DLL/OCX:RegSvr32

Isdone.dll 64 Bit Free Download

(5) Unable to Register the DLL/OCX:RegSvr32

Note: The manual fix of Cannot register Isdone.dll using regsvr32 error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.

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